Current processing time for orders is 2-3 weeks, not including shipping time

The Blanket Babes

We specialize in cozy, unique, hand-knit throws that will quickly become your blanket of choice!

  • Cozy Knits + Home Decor

  • Handmade goods to transform any boho-lover's space from a house to a home!

Cozy Knits + Home Decor

Handmade goods to transform any boho-lover's space from a house to a home! Shop now


I bought a blanket from you at the market you did in Elora for my mom and I just have to say thank you! My mom suffers from dementia and I've noticed that she gravitates towards using her blanket and it's comforting to her in those moments where she is upset. She absolutely loves the colour too! I am so happy that I purchased one!


I have to place another order with you! My daughter took my blanket as soon as I opened it! I guess we need one for each person!


OMG! My blanket just arrived and you can FEEL the quality. I've bought chunky blankets before and they don't even compare to this! I'll be ordering again soon! Thank you!
